Donate a Boat! Vermont Charity Donation
In Brattleboro and Burlington, and everywhere in between, Vermont boat donations are on the agenda of those who want to give and receive all at once. If you have been wondering what to do with a powerboat or sail boat for which you are spending more on upkeep and storage than it’s worth, you should definitely consider a Vermont boat donation. We are a charity that works to put yachts, jet ski’s, houseboats, bass boats and just about any kinds of boat to good use. Our mission is two-fold, not only do we put your Vermont boat donation to good use, but we also reward you with a tax deduction for your generosity. In our experience, boat donations VT are a winner for all parties involved, and we are one of the few charities that always put donations to charitable use.
VT Boat Donation to Charity
We accept all kinds and types of boats, so whether you have a sailboat, motorboat or a fishing vessel, we can find a good way to put your boat to use. Not only will you no longer have the responsibility of storing the boat and paying for repairs, you will also financially benefit from the tax deduction. You will also know that your boat is doing more good for the charity than it was doing for you. Whether you want to donate a boat in Burlington or Rutland, our boat donation program can accommodate your needs. Recreational boats from the lakes are welcome, as are sailing vessels that you just don’t have the time to enjoy or maintain any longer. Use our charity as a great way to donate a boat Vermont, knowing that your donation will be very warmly received.